anoraneeyaan mahato maheeyaan. अणोरणीयान् महतो महीयान्
Brahman, the Almighty, is all pervading; it is subtler than the subtlest and larger than the largest.
Amrita - Vachan
“A teacher is never an ordinary one. He can create the best of the world.”
Ganesh Chaturthi 
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great devotion in every Hindu home on the 4th lunar day of the Bhaadrapada month. People worship clay murti (idol) of Lord Ganesha in a special way for one or many days. On the last day of worship the idol is taken out in a colourful and musical procession to be immersed traditionally at a beach.
Ganapathy is also known as Vighneshwara, remover of Obstacles.
Other festivals - Onam, a popular festival celebrated in Kerala, the southern state of India, falls on September 12th.
- Navaraatri celebrations start on September 29th.
Adi Sankaracharya
Aadi Shankara aachaarya was born in a small village, Kaladi, to father Sivaguru and mother Aaryaamba.
He started his Vedic studies early in his childhood. His first great achievement is his composition of ‘kanakadhaaraa stavam’. One day, he went to get alms from an old lady’s home. Upon realizing her poverty, he composed the above prayer for Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth.
He took up sanyaasa (renunciation) at a very young age, to search for a right guru, whom he found on the banks of River Narmada. His guru was Govinda Bhagavat Paada. He studied all Vedic literature extensively and wrote numerous commentaries on several different subjects.
He composed several simple shlokas such as Ashtakas and stotras, for common men to chant and reach God. He established four centers of Vedic education, called shankara matha, in Sringeri (south), Puri (east), Dwaraka (west) and Jyotirmath (north).
Though he lived a short life of 32 years, it was purposeful and eventful. He retired and left his body in a cave near Kedarnath. He is known as the greatest philosopher of Bharat.