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shareeramaadyam khalu dharma saadhanam.
शरीरमाद्यम् खलु धर्म साधनम्
The body is the primary instrument for fulfilling our duties in life. Hence, we should take good care of our body.

Amrita - Vachan

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the quality of the strong.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


Vijaya Dashami
Vijaya Dashami means victory on the 10th day. Vijaya Dashami also called Dasara, is among the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated following the Nava-ratri.

Deepavali is a festival marking the victory of good over evil. Deepavali means a "row of lights". Deepavali in India is celebrated with fire-crakers, during the night, and the beautiful decoration of the houses with earthenware lamps. Lakshmi Puja is the most important aspect of this festival.

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Born on Fort Shivneri on April 10, 1627 to Shahji and Jijabai, Shivaji was destined for great things. His father was a leader in the court of Bijapur and his mother was a religious Hindu. Shivaji’s childhood was spent in Pune. His mother took great care to educate her son, under the able guidance of the Daadaa Kondadevji. He learnt martial arts, and tales of courage and valor. By the age of 13, Shivaji envisioned to form an independent Hindu kingdom.

At the age of 20 years, he launched his first military attack on Torana Fort, which is a part of the Bijapur kingdom. He was joined by his three best friends and a few soldiers. It was an easy victory, and made him popular amongst the Maratha youth, who joined his army. Shivaji continued to have several victories over the Mughal kingdom.

Two people who have inspired and motivated Shivaji are his mother, Jijabai and his guru, Swami Samartha Ramadas.

Shivaji was crowned the Emperor, in the ancient Kshatriya tradition, at his capital Fort Raigad. His mother’s dreams were fulfilled and she passed away peacefully 2 weeks later. Shivaji ruled his kingdom well and after a prosperous few years, fell ill and died on April 3, 1680.