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krunvanto vishwam aaryam
कृण्वन्तो विश्वम् आर्यम्
"Let us ennoble the world. Let us set role model to world by practising all the noble values given to us by our great Sages and ancestors."

Amrita - Vachan

"What you sow is what you reap." It means based on what actions we do, we reap results accordingly. In other words, we are responsible for our own actions.

- An ancient proverb


Guru Purnima
Buddha Purnima, also called Vyaasan Purnima is dedicated to the memory of Maharshi Veda Vyaasa. He put together and classified all the knowledge of Vedas into four Vedas. He recorded his contemporary History of India in Maha Bharatam. One part of it became the famous Srimad Bhagavat Geeta, the educational conversation between Arjuna and Sri Krishna. He also recorded the lives of several great Kings, Sages, and devotees in Srimad Bhagavatam. He is also the author of 18 Puranas, whose essence is 'Punya can be obtained only by self-less help to others, while any thought or action to hurt others is a sin."

Shravan Kumar

Long ago, in Tretayuga, there lived a boy whose name was Shravana Kumar. He was very devoted to his parents. Unfortunately, they were old and blind. When his parents wanted to go on a pilgrimage, Shravana Kumar went as their guide. Late one night, when they had stooped to rest near Ayodhya, Shravana Kumar took a vessel to fetch water from the Sarayu River. Coincidently, King Dasharatha was out for hunting in the forest. When King Dasharatha heard a gurgling sound, which was actually coming from Shravana filing water into his vessel, he shot at the sound thinking it was an animal. The arrow hit Shravana Kumar whose last wish was for his parents to get the water that they had asked for. Therefore, King Dasharatha took the vessel to Shravana Kumar’s parents, and told them the story of what had happened. Saddened and angered by the grief of losing their only son, Shravana Kumar’s parents cursed King Dhasharatha that he would be separated from his son just as they had been separated from theirs.