How Kids Learn
How to Start One
Sustaining Systems
Sample Flier
Planning for an Year
Special Activities
Teacher's and Children's Handbook
Balagokulam Guide
After we start a Balagokulam, certain systems help to work in an organized way and sustain the growth. Following are some such systems.
Sankhya Sheet
Recording Upasthiti (attendance) in the Balagokulam. Following is a suggested format:
Bala -- children; Tarun - 18+ men; Mahila - 18+ Women
Date | Bala (5-9yr) | Bala (10+yr) | Tarun | Mahila | Total |
10/07/2005 | 10 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 38 |
| | | | | |
When a family calls the volunteers for details on Balagokulam, make sure that we collect the details of the family.
Each week, we should collect the details of the new families attending Balagokulam and update in the database. Following is a form that can be used to collect details from each family.
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh
Last Name:
First Name: Spouse:
Name | Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
Phone: Email:
Mailing Address:
After we collect the information, it should be maintained in an Excel spreadsheet or any database program. If you need a working MS-ACCESS program, please send an email to balagokulam at
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Volunteer Sheet
After few weeks, we can call for volunteers among the parents. Here is a sample form that you can make copies and give it to the parents. From the responses, you can expand your volunteer's team.
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh - Volunteer Sheet
Volunteering at Balagokulam is a very fulfilling and rewarding experience. While we teach, there is so much to learn from the children. It's an opportunity to enhance our knowledge of Hindu Dharma, our communication skills and be part of a friendly team of volunteers.
Every one can contribute in this effort. Each one's talent is useful here. Please offer your talents and time to make Balagokulam a wonderful place for children to imbibe Hindu values of life. Here are some of the areas where we need volunteering. You don't have to have previous experience in performing these tasks. All the necessary training will be provided.
I would like to volunteer for:
- Teaching Shlokas
- Teaching Bhajans And Songs
- Telling Stories
- Giving Brief Talks On Hindu Dharma
- Teaching Yogasans
- Conducting Games
- Arts And Crafts
- Library Project
- Seva: Community Service Activities For Children
Name: Phone:
Dhanyavad - Thank You
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Planning Baitak
Once in a month, all the Shikshaks in the Balagokulam should meet for 1-1.5 hrs to plan for upcoming 5 weeks. For this baitak to be effective,
- The time should be fixed. E.g: First Friday of every month 8-9:30pm.
Following agendas should be covered in this baitak:
- Quick review of previous month's activities. Feedback from children and parents.
- Plan for upcoming 4-5 weeks (make use of the planning chart in next page). Assign the Shikshaks for each item.
- Plan for any special event (festivals, etc.)
- Updates on projects (Library, etc.)
Activity | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 |
Shlokas | | | | |
Bhajan/Geet | | | | |
Surya Namaskar | | | | |
Surya Namaskar | | | | |
Games | | | | |
Story | | | | |
Prarthana | | | | |
Depending on the number of ganas we have, more rows can be added to the above chart.
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Gata Paddhati
A Gata is a unit of 5-7 people. Gata-Nayak is the person in-charge of that Gata.
As the number of participants increase in Balagokulam, it is important to keep personal contact with every one. Sangh is built on familial relationships. Every one coming to Balagokulam is part of a Gata. Gata-Nayak keeps regular contact with the 5-7 people in his Gata.
Sampark is a very unique tradition of Sangh, which literally means 'contact'. Shikshaks visit the families of children and build a very cordial relationship. Children also feel that the Shikshak is part of their family. Many a times when a Shikshak visit the families, parents seek clarifications to clear some doubts.
Sampark is also to bring new people to Balagokulam. We may visit friends of children coming to Balagokulam.
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