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Raising Hindu Awareness in our Schools

America is an open society. There are plenty of opportunities for us to share with every one about our religion and culture. In their subjects, they study about India, caste system, Hinduism, etc. If we take initiative, the school teachers are, in most cases, more than happy to arrange a guest speaker on India and Hinduism. This has been going on in many schools in different cities.

In this session, discuss with children how it can be done in their school. These are some pointers for discussion. The density of Hindu population is different in each town and hence you will have to come up with the programs in a city and a particular school accordingly. These are only some pointers for discussion.

  • First, ask each one approximately how many Hindu children are there in their school.

  • Find out if there is any Indian Students club (more in high schools)

  • Find out about the multi-cultural-week or some similar program observed in their schools and how India and Hinduism was represented.

  • On Hindu holidays like Diwali, in some schools in bay area, California, Hindu parents give sweets to all the children and also celebrate it in the school.

  • Ask the teacher who is teaching about India, if they would like to have a guest speaker come and speak to the class about India. If they are interested, arrange for a good speaker from the Hindu community.

  • Educate the teachers in Indian History and contemporary India by presenting books and web sites.

  • Elaborating on Exhibitions – students in 9 and above grades study World history. We can be the source for information relating to Bharat. Favorite topics for students – evolution of life, life styles, Caste system etc.

These are some ideas that have been successful in few places. Explore more ideas and when an idea is experimented, please share with every one.

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