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Children's Corner - Arts & Crafts - Toran Making

Come Diwali, Dussehra, Gudi padwa, Yugadi or the New Year, people always hang torans above the doors of their houses. Toran is a bit of decoration made with leaves or flowers or even paper. Nowadays, toran are also made of plastic. People from various parts of Bharat (India) make torans differently.

Time For the activity: 15-20 min

Things needed: Mango leaves and Flowers, Cord, Thread and Needle.

How to make:

Step 1: Use a needle and thread to make a garland of flowers.

Step 2: Tie the leaves to the cord at equal distances from each other. In between the leaves, tie the garland. The toran is now ready.

Step 3: Fix nails at the two ends of the door frame and tie the ends of the toran to them.

This is the traditional toran. Try to make different kinds using different material. You can use paper balls, bells, streamers, cloth with patch work or even beads.

Activity courtesy Smitarani Gadre

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