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Children's Corner - Arts & Crafts - Krishna Picture Making

Time For the activity: 15-20 min

Things needed:  6"/4" Shri Krishna picture printed on photo paper, sequins, 1 skewer stick, one A4 size sheet of dark blue felt, 1.5'yarn or any string, glue, scissors.( optional-hot glue )

1. Fold 1" of the width side of felt and glue so as to leave openings for the skewer stick to pass through.
2. Make cuts on the other end about 1" long and 1/4" apart to look like a frill.
3. Cut the pointed end of the skewer stick and pass it thru the fold of the felt. 
4. Now tie the two ends of yarn to the two ends of the skewer. Tie double knots. This way it secures the skewer from coming out and also useful to hang our project on wall or in pooja ghar.
5. Glue the Shri Krishna Pic on the centre of the felt.
6. Decorate around the picture with sequins.

Variation: If having the picture on photo paper is not possible then use regular paper and stick the picture on foam sheet about the same size and then stick on the felt. Just thin picture will not look good for this project. I smaller picture used then use smaller size of felt.

Use your creativity in decorating the project. Older kids can try sticking sequins on the the picture itself as the jewellery of Shri Krishna.

Activity courtesy Smitarani Gadre.

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