Balagokulam Magazine is very happy to announce the results of the
contests conducted in July 2005. The Balagokulam Magazine Team would like to
congratulate all the winners. We would also like to thank all of
the participants, judges, parents and the subscribers for their support. We look forward
for your greater support and participation to the future Balagokulam Magazine
If you have questions regarding the contest results please contact
at editor at
Name |
Category |
Prize |
Rayna Palsule |
Age 11-13 |
Story 1 |
Parth Parihar | Age 11-13 | Story 2 |
Rohini Kopparam | Age 11-13 | Story 3 |
Aman Sharma | Age 11-13 | Essay 1 |
Parth Parihar | Age 11-13 | Essay 2 |
Soumya Murag | Age 11-13 | Essay 3 |
Juhee Dalal | Age 11-13 | Artwork 1 |
Jayni Patel | Age 11-13 | Artwork 2 |
Parth Patrihar | Age 11-13 | Artwork 3 |
Rohini Kopparam | Age 11-13 | Poem 1 |
Sneha Sharma | Age 11-13 | Poem 2 |
Pratik Kulkarni | Age 11-13 | Poem 3 |
Abhishek Kurup | Age 14-17 | Poem 1 |
Anurag Pandey | Age 14-17 | Poem 2 |
Kalpita Abhyankar | Age 14-17 | Poem 3 |
Anuruddha Kappagantu | Age 5-7 | Poem 1 |
Suraj Palaparty | Age 5-7 | Poem 2 |
Anuj Kankani | Age 5-7 | Poem 3 |
Paanjal Pgrawal | Age 5-7 | Art 1 |
Vidya Nayak Age | 5-7 | Art 2 |
Pooja Nitturkar | Age 5-7 | Art 3 |
Nisha Gopal | Age 8-10 | Poem 1 |
Sugam Sharma | Age 8-10 | Poem 2 |
Arav Arora | Age 8-10 | Poem 3 |
Nikita Shukla | Age 8-10 | Art 1 |
Neel Saunshi | Age 8-10 | Art 2 |
Akul Arora | Age 8-10 | Art 3 |
Manisha Singh | Age 8-10 | Essay 1 |
Ayush Sharma | Age 8-10 | Essay 2 |
Bhumika Joshi | Age 8-10 | Essay 3 |
Judging Criterion:
The judging
team comprised of usually three judges from different parts of the USA. We try to be
fair and unbiased in choosing the judges. If you would like to help as a
judge in further contests then please contact editor at balagokulam dot org.
The judging criterion for different categories and age group varies accordingly.
Usually we focus on theme, originality, content presentation, and suitability
towards the objectives of the Balagokulam Magazine in general. Usually we
also try to select contents that carry positive messages. However content
that does not fit to the above description is also reviewed, given a careful
consideration on a case by case basis before taking a final decision.
of the contest entries that were submitted after the due date have not been
considered for the judging. Unless stated otherwise we would consider these
entries in appropriate categories for the next competitions.
We give
medals and certificates to all 1st and 2nd prize winners.
Occasionally, we also give special certificates for some of the other entries
as well. We are trying to be innovative in prizes for future contests.
What if I have some content not related to the contests?
If you
and especially a child has written or drawn a special content not related
to the contest categories, we encourage you to send it to us at editor at
balagokulam dot org, better you can upload it via web at Contest Upload page .
However we are not able to guarantee that such content would be published
in the Balagokulam magazine. Please make sure that the content is original
in presentation and you have not submitted it anywhere else for publication.
For further questions, comments and suggestions regarding any of the aspect
of the Balagokulam magazine please contact to editor at Balagokulam dot org.