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Balagokulam Magazine - Competitions

2012 Contest Details

  • We are in the final stages of contest evaluation. We request you to wait for few more days. We would announe the results on Tuesday, May 1st instead of the day of Akshay Tritiya, which falls on Tuesday April 24 2012, on the Balagokulam Magazine Website and through facebook group

Upload Contest Entries at Contest Upload page
  • Last day to submit entires is: Monday - March 26, 2012 - 11.59 PM

Competition flyer can be downloaded from here.

Contest Topics: Please also check the guidelines after the contest topics.

  • Please share with us your child's achievements - educational, personal or in any field! Write to us contest at balagokulam.org with SUBJECT: Achievements

    First grade and below:

    • Artwork - Any paintaing/drawing/sketch. Suggested Topic - Bhagvans' Vahan i.e., God's vehicle.
    • Essay - Suggested topic - "Temple visit - This is how I feel during a temple visit ---". (limit 200 words). Any other topic is also accepted for this age group.

    Second and third grade:

    • Artwork - Any paintaing/drawing/sketch. Suggested Topic - Bhagvans' Vahan i.e., God's vehicle.
    • Essay - Suggested topic - "Temple visit - This is how I feel during a temple visit ---". (limit 200 words). Any other topic is also accepted for this age group.
    • Poem - Any poem. Suggested topic - My country, my toy or my family. (limit 13 lines)

    Fourth and Fifth grade:

    • Artwork - Any paintaing/drawing/sketch. Suggested Topic - Bhagvans' Vahan i.e., God's vehicle.
    • Essay - Suggested topic - "Temple visit - This is how I feel during a temple visit ---". (limit 200 words)
    • Story - Suggested Topic - "In my wildest imagination" or "A gifted boy/girl". (limit 300 words)
    • Poem - Any poem. Suggested topic - My country, my toy or my family. (limit 13 lines)
    • Creativity Project (participation in teams is also encoouraged) - Create a new song/Hindu Bhajan/Sangh Song or Translate an existing Hindu Bhajan or Sangh Song in English. References - Hindu Songs, Hindu Bhajans

    Sixth grade to Eighth grade:

    • Artwork - Suggested Topic - "Festival Celebration". However any other drawing/painting/sketch can be entered in the contest.
    • Essay - Suggested topic - "Temple visit - This is how I feel during a temple visit ---". (limit 200 words)
    • Story - Suggested Topic - "In my wildest imagination" or "A gifted boy/girl". (limit 300 words)
    • Poem - Any poem. Suggested topic - My country, my toy or my family. (limit 13 lines)
    • Creativity Project (participation in teams is also encoouraged) - Create a new song/Hindu Bhajan/Sangh Song or Translate an existing Hindu Bhajan or Sangh Song in English. References - Hindu Songs, Hindu Bhajans

    All other content outside given contest categories: (use category 'Other' while uploading such content).

    • You can also upload all other content including but not limited to jokes, puzzles, riddles, and achievements that parents and children would like to contribute to Magazine. These entries would not be evaluated as part of contest. However these would be considered for publication in the magazine.


    • Medals to first and second place winners!
    • Winners would be announced on Akshay Tritiya (April 24) Day in 2012.

    Contest Topics Guidelines:

    • Why are there suggested topics?
      • Suggested topics are for guidance purpose. In case your balagokulam or children center is planning to organize contests for mass participation in Balagokulam Mgazine contests, you can use these topics to guide thoughts of children.
    • Clarification/Difference between story and essay
      • Essays are non-fiction write-ups build around some central idea. A well-written essay should have introduction, body and an ending.
      • Stories are usually fiction write-ups; however they can also describe real life events. A well-written story usually has a description about the setting/place, characters and sequence of events that are referred as a plot.
    • What is a creativity project?
      • You can take a printout of the given picture and ask children to complete the picture in whatever they would like. Or children can draw the given simple picture on a paper and then complete the drawing.
      • Encourage children to think freely, apply their conventional as well as non-conventional thinking, and use their imagination to complete the given picture. Children can use any material to complete the picture.

  • All entries in the children's age group MUST be contributed by the children only.
  • The contestants hold the responsibility to submit the contest entries in correct age category. (The age group should be determined according to the contest submission deadline.
  • The editorial team reserves the right to modify/edit the entries slightly to suit the magazine needs. However we would take utmost care that the editedentries are as close as possible to the submitted entry.
  • One can participate in as many as contests as possible and can submit more than one entries for each category.

Judging Criterion:
The entries would be judged by a panel of three judges chosen from different parts of USA. If you would like to participate in the judging process, then please contact contest at balagokulam dot org. While judging the entries, due consideration would be given to the theme, originality, content presentation and compatibility with objectives of Balagokulam Magazine. The entries carrying a positive message would be given preference for publication into the magazine. Depending on the quality and number of entries received, contents that do not exactly fit to the above description also would be reviewed and considered for awarding the prizes.
Entries that are submitted after the due date will not be considered for the competition. These would be used by Balagokulam editorial board as appropriate.

For further questions, comments and suggestions regarding any of the aspect of the Balagokulam magazine please contact to contest at Balagokulam dot org.

Previous Competitions

2011 Diwali Competitions: Results

2009 Diwali Competitions: Results

2008 Diwali Competitions: Results

2007 November Competitions: Results

2007 February Competitions: Results

2006 August Competitions: Results

2006 February Competitions: Results

